Kamelot is an excellent dog as far as companionship and love for the family but when it comes to bugs, especially flies, he wants nothing to do with them. Here is a funny story about him. 
One day Scott was sitting at the computer and Kamelot was sitting at his feet enjoying the afternoon when a pesky fly entered the room. The fly kept bugging Scott but he would just brush it away and keep working. Scott noticed that occassionally Kamelot would shake the fly away too. Pretty soon Scott noticed Kamelot leaving the room rather abruptly. Scott thought nothing of it because Kamelot always moves around from the couch to the floor to wherever else. After a while Scott got up from the computer to do something and noticed that Kamelot was nowhere to be found. He searched all the places Kamelot usually goes but to no avail. He finally went into Katia's room and found him hiding under the bed to get away from the fly. Since that episode Scott has watched to see what Kamelot does when there is a fly in the house. Sure enough when that fly finds him, he goes running up the stairs to get away. It is quite funny and entertaining.
Here he is hiding on the stairs from a fly. He is trying to see if it followed him.
Ferocious Kam! I love that dog and second his aversion to flies(I don't go and hide under the bed..anymore!:-))
That is hilarious!
Ohhh - that's funny. We sure miss our pooch!
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