Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Top 10 Reasons We Are Glad Schools Out

This weeks top ten is celebrating the end of the school year. School is officially out for the kids on Thursday afternoon and Friday afternoon for Sundy. Yeah!!! Hope everyone enjoys the summer.

1. We can sleep in! No more getting up at 6:00 a.m.! Now we can sleep until 7:00 a.m.!
2. No more asking if homework is done! - Instead we can focus on if HOUSEwork is done!
3. No more wondering what day is best to go to the doctor/dentist etc. We can take care of our health without concerns about missing school!
4. No more being nickeled and dimed to death! It seems there are always activities that cost money (a field trip or a t-shirt) that you “HAVE” to purchase for school!
5. Reading for fun, comes to mind! Instead of reading text books or homework, we can sit down and enjoy a novel!
6. We can take a vacation - this year the plan is to visit family in Utah and Colorado!
7. Mom is not stressed out about lesson plans and classes that are unruly. What a blessing to have 6 weeks without worrying about concerts, students and activities!
8. We can use our summer incentive program! The girls love earning “Kiara Kash” or “Katia Kash” to purchase one-on-one time with mom or dad!
9. Katia’s looking forward to spending two weeks with Grandma Mil! Kiara enjoyed last summer doing the same thing!
10. More family time! When schools out - we spend much more time together! We can’t wait! We kinda like hanging out with our family! Our family ROCKS!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Amen!! Tell the girls to read the Sisters Grimm series and also Peter and The Star Catchers Series - They're good reading!