Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Top 10 Things To Do When You're “BORED”

This week's top ten is in honor of National Anti-Boredom Month, which is July. Sundy's dad always used to say, "Only boring people are bored." We've tried to teach that to our own children. "Bored" is a bad word in our house! :o) Here are some of the ways that we fend off the terrible tragedy of boredom:

1. Read a Book - Sundy’s personal favorite!
2. Cross Stitch - Sundy’s other favorite pass time as evidenced by our many framed works of art and stitchery.
3. Write Top 10 Lists - We do this together!
4. Play Games - our favorites: Skip-bo, Saygo, Hand and Foot, and Yatzee.
5. Scrapbook - Wish we had more time to give to this hobby.
6. Pray - “...watch and pray continually that ye may not be tempted...” Alma 13:28
7. Videography - Scott’s personal favorite! Check out his you-tube video. Type in “Road to Bethlehem” to see one of his creations!
8. Go for a Walk - This is how we fell in love - walking in the moonlight!
9. Exercise - We are both trying to do this better....
10. Blog - a fun thing to do together, and keeps grandparents feeling closer to their "favorite" (wink wink) granddaughters!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I love the new background! YES - many good things to be thankful for in America and good things come to those who are CREATIVE!!