Tuesday, February 24, 2009

TOP 10 Candy Bars

Who can resist their favorite candy bar. Here is a sampling of some of ours. It was hard to choose and put them in any good order because sometimes it just depends on your mood. At any rate, one thing they all have is CHOCOLATE. Need we say more.

1. Big Kat - They don’t make them anymore :-(
2. York Peppermint Patty - Reminds us of Mom and Dad McCallister
3. Snickers - Peanuts really satisfy
4. Dove Bar - Sundy’s all time favorite! Can you say REAL chocolate?!
5. Baby Ruth - Sundy didn’t want this one on the list... but Scott won!
6. 100 Grand - Both Sundy and Scott were afraid to try this candy bar for the longest time. But finally, it was the last chocolate left in the Halloween stash that we hid from our children. When we tried it, we loved it!
7. Hersheys - Makes the best chocolate fondue (if you use Sundy’s recipe!)
8. Reeces Peanut Butter Cups - How do you eat yours?
9. Butterfinger - A little messy, sticks to your teeth, but still delicious!
10. Three Musketeers - On the list because of the name and nostalgia

Saturday, February 21, 2009

LDS Welfare Farm

This morning our stake was asked to help on the LDS welfare farm in Coolidge. Growing up, Scott had never had the opportunity to work on the welfare farm, so he signed up to help. He asked the girls if they would like to serve too. They eagerly accepted his invitation. Scott explained that it would be a two hour project and that it would be hard labor. That did not deter them. They all woke up this morning at 6:00 a.m. (on a Saturday!) and went to work. When they got to the farm, Kiara asked where the cows were... :-) Then they found out their task would be digging mud out of the irrigation ditch. The mud was a good one to two feet deep from all the rain run off. The spot that they had to dig out was extremely muddy! The mud stuck to everything, and made shoveling really difficult. It was like digging with a sledge hammer! But they had fun and felt good serving! Would they go again if the opportunity comes? Everyone said "YES!"

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Back to the 80's

It has been "Spirit Week" at school for the girls and of course they want to dress up and participate in all the themes. Today was 80's day so we found some of Sundy's old 80's stuff and tried to make the girls look authentic. We used tons of hair spray and the belts really added. They both need longer bangs because in the 80's the bigger the better. We think they looked pretty good. They are cute no matter how they are dress.

Like totally radical dude!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Top 10 U.S. Presidents

Yesterday was President's Day so we decided to list our Top Ten United States Presidents.

1. Ronald Reagan - He was a great American! And heck, he helped stop the cold war! What more can we say?
2. George Washington - Father of our Country and inspired by God! A very courageous yet humble man.
3. Abraham Lincoln - He loved the theater AND he was inspirational in reunifying our grand country!
4. Thomas Jefferson - Another founding father who was inspired by our Heavenly Father - and an inventor to boot!
5. George W. Bush - He really did try to do good things; his heart was in the right place! And he put up with a LOT of crap!
6. George H.W. Bush - Father of W. He did something right!
7. Ulysses S. Grant - A Civil War Hero! Cool!
8. James Madison - Father of the Constitution! And we know the constitution was inspired!
9. Dwight D. Eisenhower - A five-star general! And anyone who is on money has to be cool! (Yeah dimes!)
10. Theodore Roosevelt - We love teddy bears!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

TOP 10 Love Songs

It is "Top Ten Tuesday" again. So in the spirit of Valentine's Day this week we decided to do love songs.

Here are our top ten:

1. Keeper of the Stars by Tracy Bird - This is OUR song! It was popular in 1995, when we got married. It also was how we felt about our relationship! We know Heavenly Father had his hand in our getting together!
2. I Swear by John Michael Montgomery - This song was also popular in 1995, and came up as second place for OUR song! We still love it too! We remember dancing to both songs during our courtship.
3. Forever and For Always by Shania Twain - Every time Scott hears this song he thinks of his wife! (Which is quite an accomplishment since Shania Twain is singing it! :-)
4. Can You Feel the Love Tonight from Lion King - Scott and Sundy fell in love while watching this movie! So this song definitely belongs on the list.
5. I Don’t Want To Live Without You by Foreigner - No romantic songs list would be complete without this song!
6. Everything I Do, I Do It For You by Bryan Adams - Can you say, "PERFECT love song?"
7. You’re the One That I Want from Grease - Scott has those Travolta moves that makes Sundy swoon! So we dance and sing to this one often!
8. Power of Love by Huey Lewis - Scott’s favorite singer of all time is Huey Lewis. And one of Sundy’s favorite movies is "Back to the Future." So this song pulls double duty as a love song on both of our lists!
9. Your Song by Elton John - Simple, yet loving!
10. Sometimes When We Touch sung by Donny Osmond - Scott has Shania Twain and Sundy gets Donny Osmond! But seriously, have you heard this song?! It is definitely romantic!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Top Ten 2009 Superbowl Commercials

We have decided to do a "Top 10 Tuesday." So every Tuesday you can check back and see what the list is for the week. This week we decided to do our favorite commercials from the 2009 Superbowl. You can also view them on hulu.com. Hope you enjoy it.

1. Heroes- Since Sundy is an avid Heroes fan, she loved watching the cast members play football with their special “talents!” From the commercial, you KNOW Heroes rocks!
2. Doritoes - we all laughed really hard when the snowball became a crystal ball predicting free Doritoes before smashing into the vending machine! :-)
3. teleflora.com - a great commercial where a co-worker received flowers from a box. We laughed when the flowers said “No one wants to see you naked.” And then a fellow office boys says, “I do.”
4. careerbuilder.com - the child-like repetition made this one work. Of course, we also liked the hitting of the koala bear, the screams, tears and wishing you were elsewhere....
5. Coke - When the classical music began to play, Sundy was really excited! And the bugs stealing the Coke was really cute! ALMOST makes Sundy want to switch drinking Pepsi and go to Coke..... ALMOST!
6. Diet Pepsi - “Men can take anything - except the taste of diet cola, until now!” There is nothing funnier than grown men getting hurt in horrible ways! And they even like diet drinks!
7. E-trade - Two babies speaking is better than one! And we loved the singing baby!
8. Bridgestone Tires - Sure, they ripped off Toy Story, but we still liked the potato heads and nagging wife concept!
9. Bud Light - O.K., we don’t imbibe, but Conan O’Brian made a fool of himself, so we laughed.
10. Budweiser - Playing fetch with a Clydesdale horse was a classic! We like horses and dogs!

This post should in no way be construed as condoning the use of these products. :o)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Road to Bethlehem

Here is a video that Scott put together for one of Sundy's dad's songs from his album "Mary Christmas."