Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Top 10 Things That Make Us Smile

This week's top ten was inspired by World Smile Day. World Smile Day this year is on October 2nd. It always falls on the first Friday in October. It was started in 1999 by Harvey Ball, who created the smiley face that we all know and love. He thought that all of us should devote one day each year to smiles and kind acts throughout the world. I hope that we do that whenever we see the opportunity but it doesn't hurt to have a day each year dedicated to trying to make people SMILE. Here are some things that really make us smile.

1. Babies LaughDoesn’t everyone smile when they hear a child giggle?
2. Chocolate – Give me chocolate, and no one gets hurt.
3. Feel Good MoviesNewsies, Ever After, Glass Bottom Boat, and Liken the Scriptures come to mind.
4. Cuddles From KatiaKatia is such a cuddle-bug. And we love snuggling with her.
5. Kiara Dancing and JokingKiara makes us laugh with her “cool” dance moves and silly jokes! We love her great, big grin!
6. Playing Games – Our favorites are Skip-bo, Hand and Foot, Yahtzee and Say-Go.
7. Watching Glenn Beck – We don’t get to watch Glenn Beck very often. He is on a channel we don’t get… but we really do enjoy learning about the world from someone who is as wise (and entertaining) as Glenn.
8. Serving Others – Scott LOVES service! And he practices what he preaches! He’s taught his family how to serve others as well. We all enjoy cleaning the church on Saturdays and helping others when they are in need.
9. Christmas Music – Christmas music begins in August in our home. It would begin sooner, but Scott put his foot down… no Christmas music in June and July! J
10. Spending Time With Family – This has to be our number one thing that makes us smile! We love spending time with our extended families! Both the McCallisters and the DeGooyers ROCK!

Remember, to do an act of kindness and help one person smile this Friday!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sundy's Anthem Honor Choir

This year Sundy has been really enjoying her choir class. Everyone in there loves to sing and wants to be there. They have already had a couple of different performances. They performed the Star Spangled Banner for a school flag ceremony on September 11th in memory of that day. They also had their Fall Concert. Here is a Smilebox of some photos taken and a few clips of how awesome they sound. What a great bunch of kids. Scott also designed the logo for the choir that is on the front page and on their polo shirts. Enjoy!

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Kiara's First Concert of the Year

A few weeks ago Kiara had her first orchestra concert of the new year. She has loved the violin since she was three years old and has been doing a great job the last two years in orchestra. She got a new teacher this year and enjoys him. The following Smilebox is a few clips of the concert. They mostly did exercises and we look forward to the next concert in a few months.

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Katia's Field Trip

Katia had a field trip to the Science Center in downtown Phoenix. Scott was lucky enough to volunteer and be a chaperone. He had a great time with the kids. He was in charge of a group of five kids. There names are Katia (of course), Mykah, Julie, Chris, and John. They spent the day together on the bus to and from the museum, exploring the four story science center, and eating lunch. They During their visit they were able to try a few different things like the bed of nails, tug-o-war pulley, forces of nature, and much, much more. They also got to meet the three weather forecasters for a local news station. Here is a Smilebox of the photos they took.

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Kiara's Projects

Kiara has been very busy this year with projects. She made a brochure on the circulatory system. Hand made five pillows to represent the skeletal system and made a map of the world out of salt dough. She has been having a great year. Here are a few pictures of her later two projects.

Katia's Mogollon Pit House

This year Katia did a Mogollon pit house for her Arizona indian project. Last year Kiara did a pit house too but it was a Hohokam pit house and was slightly different. Katia really enjoyed working on her project with Scott. They used materials from around the house and yard. (Twigs from the branches Scott had cut off the tree in the front, grass from the backyard pile, and mud from the garden.) Here are a few pictures of the completed project. It turned out great.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Top 10 Games We Love To Play

This week's top ten is in honor of Checkers Day. Checkers originated a long, long time ago. It was called Draughts in Europe and there has also been evidence that the Egyptians played some form of this game as early as 200 B.C. It has also been an influence in developing other games such as chess. Games have been a big part of our lives. We are glad that we both enjoy playing them together. Some spouses are not so lucky. We love checkers but we have gotten to know quite a few games over our lifetime that we love even more. We have put together a top ten of some of our favorites. See if you agree.

1. Skip-Bo - This is a game we have been playing since we were married. We used to have tournaments and keep a tally of who won the most.
2. Yahtzee - We love Yahtzee! Rolling dice is so much fun. It has given us inspiration for other games and activities that we have invented.
3. Hand and Foot - There are so many games you can play with face cards but this has to be our favorite. Sundy likes it because it involves making "BOOKS."
4. Compatibility - We have many memories of this game showing just how people really think. Often times we are more compatible with other people.
5. Train/Dominoes - This is a family favorite. An easy one for the kids to play.
6. Cranium - We have had so many fun times playing this game with Matt and Lori. We still remember Matt's impression of a volcano. We thought he was acting out Madonna.
7. Outburst - This is fun to see what you know about a subject. We loved it so much that we have developed our own brand of this game.
8. Scattergories - The timer makes you jump every time it goes off. Who knew trying to think of things that start with the same letter would be so much fun and so nerve-racking.
9. Scrutineyes - This is a great one that tests your eye speed and observation and then compares it to those around you. We love this game a ton!
10. Monopoly - This is a classic. We have many forms of this game. We remember teaming up against Ben one time before we were married. We laughed our heads off.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Family Home Evening Fun

Yesterday Scott gave a family home evening lesson on the Creation. The family was given a sheet with the words "The Creation" and the numbers 1 through 7 on it. He then read the accounts of the creation from Genesis, from Moses, and from a talk by Elder Russell M. Nelson. As he did so he asked the family to draw what came to mind on each of the creative periods. The whole family enjoyed it and learned a lot about the Creation. Below are the picture creations we all came up with. Kind of fun to see the similarities but especially the differences.

Scott's Picture Creation

Sundy's Picture Creation

Kiara's Picture Creation

Katia's Picture Creation

Top 10 Kids Toys

This week's top ten is in honor of National Play-Doh Day on September 16th, which is tomorrow. Did you know that Play-Doh was originally a pliable, putty-like wallpaper cleaner concocted by Noah McVicker for a family-owned Cincinnati-based soap company. After they discovered the wallpaper cleaner was being used by nursery schoolchildren to make Christmas ornaments, they reworked it and named it Play-Doh and began distributing it in single-gallon containers of red, yellow, and blue to Cincinnati-area schools.

Play-Doh is one of the childhood toys we remember growing up with. We still love to play with it and be creative. Here are a few of the other kids toys that we enjoyed growing up or that our daughters love today.

1. Play-Doh - This is one of the greatest toys for a kid. It is fun to be creative and just play with it. Adults love it too, at least we do.
2. Rubik’s Cube - These were a big hit when we were little and they would keep us busy for hours. Sometimes we would have to take it apart in order to put it back the right way.
3. Legos - Another great invention. Kind of like Tinker toys and Lincoln logs. It is always fun to build and create.
4. Webkinz - This is our girl's absolute favorite toy because it is a stuffed animal but the Internet makes them come alive and interactive.
5. Barbies - A great toy for girls. Scott remembers his sisters turning the downstairs into a little town. Our girls enjoyed them too when they were younger.
6. He-man and the Masters of the Universe - Scott and his brother, Brett collected these and had a great time inside and outside. "By the power of Greyskull, I have the power!"
7. Perler Beads - Sundy used to do these with her grandma when she was growing up. Our girls love them and are always begging to them with their friends. Scott loves creating new things with them too.
8. Bubbles - Blowing bubbles is fun no matter how old you are. When we were Nursery leaders this was something we did at the end of class and the kids loved it.
9. Dinosaurs - Little kids are fascinated with these creatures. Scott collected dinosaur stuff and still has a bunch packed away in boxes.
10. Viewfinder - This was a fun toy that you feel like you were there. The 3-D effects were cool. Scott remembers one of the highlights of going to his grandparents house was getting to play with the Viewfinder.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Top 10 Books We Love

This week's top ten is in honor of International Literacy Day, which is TODAY! There are quite a few people out there in the world that lack the minimum literacy skills. We feel so blessed to not only know how to read but have so many books at our fingertips. Being able to read is very important in our home. Although Scott thinks Sundy reads a little too much, he is glad that she enjoys it and is glad that the girls have developed a great love of reading. The fun part about reading is that we get to share what we read with each other. Not only do we learn and benefit from reading but our family does too. The girls really love to tell us about each book they are reading and enjoy us hanging on their every word. Here is a list of a few of the books we really enjoy.

1. The Book of Mormon/Scriptures – Full of stories and lessons to help us in our own lives. The Word of God. What more can we say?
2. The Kingdom and the Crown series – Books about Christ’s life. Reading these strengthened Sundy’s testimony.
3. Harry Potter series – Not only do we love these books, but we have enjoyed the movies together also.
4. Charlotte’s Web – Grandma Mil read this one out loud to the girls on the way to California (Disneyland.) She made the story really come alive for them.
5. Where the Red Fern Grows – Both Kiara and Katia loved and cried while reading this book. Scott and Sundy really enjoyed it too.
6. Dandelion Wine – Ray Bradburry’s story makes you appreciate the good and sad things of life.
7. Tuck EverlastingSundy’s favorite book when she was a girl. The circle of life is definitely necessary…
8. Ender’s Game – Best Sci-Fi book in the world! Written by Sundy’s all-time favorite author, Orson Scott Card.
9. The Work and the Glory seriesKiara and Katia can’t seem to get enough of these books. They love learning about the early Church History.
10. Twilight series – Edward, Bite Her Already! (Not on Scott’s list, nor any other man’s list.)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Anthem Spirit Week

Last week Anthem had a school 'Spirit Week.' Sundy and the girls always enjoy these kinds of weeks because they get to dress up and act all goofy. This week they went to school in their pajamas, wore fun hats, put their closes on backwards, messed up their hair and wore crazy socks.
Pajama Day

Crazy Hat Day

Backwards Day (Sundy couldn't participate in this one.)

Crazy Hair Day

Crazy Socks Day (We forgot to take a picture. Sorry!?#@)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Top 10 Classical Music Pieces

September Is Classical Music Month. So this week's top ten is in honor of it. Scott grew up listening to all kinds of music in his house. His mom tried to expose her kids to all sorts of good music and one of the types was classical. Scott remembers listening to many different composers and really enjoying them. Sundy also grew up listening to all sorts of music and as a music major was able to hear many styles of classical. We are grateful for the love of music that our parents instilled in us and have tried to expose our daughters to a great variety too. Here are a few of the pieces we really enjoy.

1. Ludwig van Beethoven’s 6th Symphony - The Pastorale Symphony - This is Sundy's absolute favorite!
2. Camille Saint-Saen’s The Carnival of the Animals - Scott made a video of this for Sundy to use in her classes. It is posted on YouTube.
3. Ludwig van Beethoven’s 9th Symphony - Ode to Joy - There is nothing more cheerful than this beautiful piece of music...
4. Hector Berlioz’s Symphony Fantastique - Sundy loves playing this one at Halloween time. The idea fixe in the song is haunting and beautiful. The story is frightening and crazy at the same time.
5. Antonio Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons - This is one of Scott's favorites.
6. Sergei Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf - Scott remembers listening to this when he was little. There was a book that went with it.
7. Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Hungarian Rhapsody - Exciting and fun!
8. Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana - Sundy sang this at Mesa State College.
9. Gioacchino Rossini’s William Tell Overture - Katia loves this one! And most people recognize it from the beef commericals.... (And of course, the Lone Ranger)
10. Heigh-Ho Mozart - Disney Songs in the Style of Famous Classical Musicians!