Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Top 10 Kids Toys

This week's top ten is in honor of National Play-Doh Day on September 16th, which is tomorrow. Did you know that Play-Doh was originally a pliable, putty-like wallpaper cleaner concocted by Noah McVicker for a family-owned Cincinnati-based soap company. After they discovered the wallpaper cleaner was being used by nursery schoolchildren to make Christmas ornaments, they reworked it and named it Play-Doh and began distributing it in single-gallon containers of red, yellow, and blue to Cincinnati-area schools.

Play-Doh is one of the childhood toys we remember growing up with. We still love to play with it and be creative. Here are a few of the other kids toys that we enjoyed growing up or that our daughters love today.

1. Play-Doh - This is one of the greatest toys for a kid. It is fun to be creative and just play with it. Adults love it too, at least we do.
2. Rubik’s Cube - These were a big hit when we were little and they would keep us busy for hours. Sometimes we would have to take it apart in order to put it back the right way.
3. Legos - Another great invention. Kind of like Tinker toys and Lincoln logs. It is always fun to build and create.
4. Webkinz - This is our girl's absolute favorite toy because it is a stuffed animal but the Internet makes them come alive and interactive.
5. Barbies - A great toy for girls. Scott remembers his sisters turning the downstairs into a little town. Our girls enjoyed them too when they were younger.
6. He-man and the Masters of the Universe - Scott and his brother, Brett collected these and had a great time inside and outside. "By the power of Greyskull, I have the power!"
7. Perler Beads - Sundy used to do these with her grandma when she was growing up. Our girls love them and are always begging to them with their friends. Scott loves creating new things with them too.
8. Bubbles - Blowing bubbles is fun no matter how old you are. When we were Nursery leaders this was something we did at the end of class and the kids loved it.
9. Dinosaurs - Little kids are fascinated with these creatures. Scott collected dinosaur stuff and still has a bunch packed away in boxes.
10. Viewfinder - This was a fun toy that you feel like you were there. The 3-D effects were cool. Scott remembers one of the highlights of going to his grandparents house was getting to play with the Viewfinder.

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