Tuesday, April 28, 2009

TOP 10 Favorite Poems

We chose this subject in honor of Poetry Month. Poetry Day is ACTUALLY today! We both have many good memories of poetry growing up. We both had grandparents that wrote it and have some fond memories of writing poetry in school. Here are just a few of the more popular ones that we appreciate.
1. The Outlaw - Grandma T used to recite this poem from memory.
2. The Cremation of Sam McGee by Robert Service - Dad McCallister helped Sundy fall in love with this funny poem.
3. Footprints in the Sand by Mary Stevenson
4. Ode To Billy Joe - Sundy did a report on this sad poem in 5th grade. She has since shared the poem, and song, with her daughters. Katia really likes it.
5. The Raven by Edger Allan Poe - Grandma T also memorized this one! And it used to give Sundy nightmares.
6. Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein - gotta add Shel Silverstein to the list! Can you say “childhood at its best”?
7. The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost - a truly great way to live life!
8. The Touch of the Master’s Hand by Myra Brooks Welch - a violin analogy of our Heavenly Father’s love for each of us!
9. Eletelephony by Laura Richards - Mom McCallister used to read this to us and make us laugh!
10. The Remarkable Farkle McBride by John Lithgow - Should belong in EVERYONE’s home! A great way to include music, education and fun!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Kamelot - Dog or Chicken?

Kamelot is an excellent dog as far as companionship and love for the family but when it comes to bugs, especially flies, he wants nothing to do with them. Here is a funny story about him.
One day Scott was sitting at the computer and Kamelot was sitting at his feet enjoying the afternoon when a pesky fly entered the room. The fly kept bugging Scott but he would just brush it away and keep working. Scott noticed that occassionally Kamelot would shake the fly away too. Pretty soon Scott noticed Kamelot leaving the room rather abruptly. Scott thought nothing of it because Kamelot always moves around from the couch to the floor to wherever else. After a while Scott got up from the computer to do something and noticed that Kamelot was nowhere to be found. He searched all the places Kamelot usually goes but to no avail. He finally went into Katia's room and found him hiding under the bed to get away from the fly. Since that episode Scott has watched to see what Kamelot does when there is a fly in the house. Sure enough when that fly finds him, he goes running up the stairs to get away. It is quite funny and entertaining.

Here he is hiding on the stairs from a fly. He is trying to see if it followed him.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Top 10 Child/Teen Stars We Like

We decided to do this category in honor of Shirley Temple's Birthday which is April 23rd. She was one of the most famous childhood stars just not one of our top ten. Enjoy the memories.

1. Michael J. Fox - Family Ties, Back to the Future, Teen Wolf - We love this guy!

2. Haley Joel Osment - We all want to "see dead people" after watching 'The Sixth Sense'.

3. Miley Cyrus - She keeps our daughters entertained while staying clean and moral.

4. Alyssa Milano - Scott loved watching her on 'Who's the Boss'.

5. Raven Symone - Loved her on 'The Cosby Show'. Can you say cute!

6. Donny Osmond - Puppy Love is what Sundy had for this cute singer.

7. Davy Jones - The Monkees made us laugh and Davy was the cute one!

8. Kirk Cameron - Grew up into a neat guy! He's very religious and family oriented! Cool!

9. Lindsay Lohan - The young Lindsay rocked! The here and now Lindsay stinks!

10. Will Smith - The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Need we say more?! He can do it all (sing, dance and act)!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Daddy Daughter Dance

Tonight for activity days, the girls had a daddy daughter dance. They were so excited to show their stuff. The theme was a sock hop. Scott and the girls dressed up in white shirts and jeans. The girls put scarfs in their hair and they all rolled up their jeans and shirts. Scott even tried to slick back his hair. Sundy was able to come because she was asked to take pictures for the event. While at the event they taught us how to do the swing and the many moves involved with it. We also were able dance the twist and and made a congo line. The girls had a blast and so did Scott. The girls said it was"the best dance ever." They all can't wait for their next one. Here are the pictures we took before going and more pictures will be forthcoming when we get them from their leaders.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Top 10 Things to Plant in a Garden

This week's top ten is inspired by Garden Week. The second week in April is Garden Week. Looks like Scott jumped the gun a week early. These are some of our favorite things to plant in a garden. We especially love it when we can eat them (except for the flowers). Happy Gardening!!!

1. Tomatoes - For a great story about home-grown tomatoes, check out Garrison Keillor’s "Tomato Butt"
2. Zucchini - Scott’s favorite! Best with Parmesan cheese and butter! Yummy! Our mouths are watering!
3. Cucumbers - One of Sundy’s favorite snacks when soaked in ½ water, ½ vinegar over night (add a dash of salt and pepper!) Yum! And almost 0 calories!
4. Corn - Corn on the Cob is the best when barbequed.
5. Peas - Memories of picking peas as a kid are some of Sundy’s favorite! She used to pod them and eat the peas raw!
6. Carrots - Who doesn’t like carrots? Poor Scott can’t eat too many though because it makes his throat itch and feel like they are stuck in there.
7. Broccoli - It grew well in Vegas so we are seeing if they do the same here.
8. Strawberries - MMMMMMMMM! In Vegas Kiara and Katia would pick them and eat them right off the plants. We never got a large crop because the girls kept eating them!
9. Watermelon - Seed spitting contests can’t be beat!
10. Flowers - Sundy likes the purple and yellow flowers best! But her favorite is the Colorado Columbine! Roses are always a favorite too!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Dinner

We forgot to post our Easter dinner pictures. We had our traditional dinner with ham, funeral potatoes, green beans and rolls. Katia made some really nice table settings with our names and candy. She really enjoyed setting the table just perfect too. The girls also made the rolls and helped with the other dishes. It was delicious as always. Yummy in our tummy!

Easter Memories

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Friday, April 10, 2009

Scott's Piece of Heaven

Scott loves to garden. It is in his blood. The last few years he has not been able to do so due to moving, traveling, and other things. This year he couldn't take it anymore so he decided that he must do it no matter what. He cleared an area of the backyard (which is a barren wasteland of dead grass and weeds) and presto a garden was born. He planted zuchinni (his favorite), roma tomatoes (Sundy's favorite), cucumbers (the girl's favorite), and leafy lettuce. He of course had to add his touch of family decor. It is small but it should save us some money on vegetables and it makes Scott happy. He is so excited to be one with nature again.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mesa Arizona Easter Pageant

Tonight we were able to go to the Mesa Arizona Easter Pageant called Jesus The Christ. We went real early so we could get good seating and parking. We left the house at 4:40pm and the pageant didn't start until 8:00pm. We packed dinner and ate when we got there. While we were waiting we had a great time enjoying the nice weather, talking with each other, and people watching. The pageant tells of the story of Jesus Christ from Adam and Eve to his ascending into heaven after his resurrection. The cast was over 450 people including adults, kids and even babies. The costumes were excellent and very authentic. It was a great experience and we were glad that we went. We couldn't take pictures during the presentation so we took a few of the girls with some of the cast beforehand. If we are here next year, the girls said they would like to audition to be in it. If that happens, you all will have to come and see it. :o)

Top 10 Easter Traditions

Sunday is Easter so we decided that Easter traditions would be fitting for this week's top ten. As many of you know we love traditions. We feel they are important in unifying the family unit and instilling love and appreciation in the home. Here are a few of them. Enjoy!1. Reading the story of Christ’s Atonement - His suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane, the cruxifiction and especially his resurrection on the third day.
2. The Tomb Was Empty Buscuits - We take a big marshmallow and wrap the buscuit dough around it tightly. Then we dipped it in butter and roll it in cinnamon and sugar. We bake it and when you bite into it it the marshmellow is gone and the buscuit is empty just like the tomb.
3. Saturday Easter Bunny - The Easter Bunny comes on Saturday so we can celebrate Christ’s resurrection on Sunday.
4. Easter Dresses - Pretty in pastel. Obviously not for Scott.
5. Go to church - We love to go and hear the beautiful musical numbers.
6. Chocolate Bunnies - It's Easter and you got to have chocolate. (Even for Scott and Sundy)
7. Easter Egg Hunt - We miss the annual egg hunt Pam threw in Las Vegas for all the neighborhood kids!
8. Dying Eggs - What would Easter be without doing this?
9. Talking to Family - It is always nice to wish them a Happy Easter!
10. Watch Jesus Christ Superstar - Sundy has to do this alone, as Scott does not approve of the movie....

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Kiara's Lullaby

Check out Dad McCallister's website at http://www.onemanmormonbluesband.com/.
If you go to music, you can hear Kiara's lullaby that he wrote for her. It's a free download. He also wrote the lyrics out if you click on the title. Katia's lullaby will be posted next month! :-) So be sure to check often! Happy listening!