Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Top 10 Things That Are Pink

This week's top ten is in honor of National Pink Day, which is TODAY! Besides being a lot of girl's favorite color it is also the color of many things that are great.

1. Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbons - Grandma Olive McCallister was a 40 year survivor of this terrible disease! We just need to make sure people get checked!
2. Nail Polish and Lip Gloss - All girls feel prettier with a bit of lip gloss and pink nails!
3. Girls Dresses - Walking by the baby section of any store, it’s the pink dresses that stick out (not the boy’s clothes....)
4. The Pink Panther - Scott loves these movies!
5. Pink Cadillacs - “We’re goin’ ridin’ on the freeway of love in my pink Cadillac” (from “Freeway of Love” by Aretha Franklin)
6. Shrimp - Yum! An adult’s favorite!
7. Cotton Candy - Sugar heaven! A kid’s favorite!
8. Pink Ladies from Grease – “Tell me about it, stud.” Olivia Newton John was the best.
9. Flowers – Roses, carnations, tulips, and so many more. They are all so beautiful!
10. Flamingos - They make us laugh! We don’t actually know anyone who owns one! Thank goodness!

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